Erawan National Park is one of the major attractions of a visit to Kanchanaburi and the region in general. It is a stunning national park located amid limestone hills and is best known for the multi-tier Erawan Falls.

The park rises to a height of almost 1,000 meters above sea level and is criss-crossed by numerous streams and rivers. It has some fantastic landscapes including that of Erawan Falls, the main attraction. This set of waterfalls plunges several hundred meters over seven limestone tiers and visitors can walk up alongside or have a swim. The falls have a distinctive blue/green hue to them and are extremely photogenic.

Along with Erawan Falls there are also four caves in Erawan National Park that are worth a look: Mi, Rua, Phartat, and Wang Bahdan. Although Erawan National Park is best visited in the cool season (November through January), you can visit year round and the falls are nice to see after heavy rains.

Getting There & Away

Erawan National Park is best visited with your own transport. You can be here within 2 hours from Kanchanaburi by car or motorbike, while tour buses leave frequently from town. Kanchanaburi is 3 hours from Suvarnabhumi International Airport in Bangkok.