Suphana Buri is mainly situated in the low plains in the center of Thailand, with small mountain ranges rising to the north and west of the province. Deriving from Sanskrit, its name means ‘city of gold’. The Tha Cheen River in the southeast of the province is used for paddy rice farming.

Thought to be the site of the Suvarnabhumi, mentioned in Buddhist texts, the area’s capital was founded in 877 AD and gained its current name years later. The province’s links with Buddhism can be seen clearly in its many temples, highlights of which include Wat Pratu San, Wat Pa Lelai Worawihan and the ancient Wat Phra Rup with its reclining Buddha statue.

This little visited province features excellent sealed roads and a few restaurants serving tasty food. A handful of small guesthouses and hotels are available in the town, while home stay accommodations can be found throughout the province.

Onward Travel