Lampung Province is the southernmost province of Sumatra, lying 20kms off the tip of West Java and bordering Bengkulu and South Sumatra to the north. It is the main gateway to Sumatra and has Krakatau Island as one of its star attractions.

Bandarlampung, formerly Tanjungkarang-Telukbetung, is the capital of Lampung Province and its main city. It is connected directly to Merak in Java by ferry and has an international airport. Bandarlampung presides over Lampung Bay.

Lampung Province is a place of large volcanoes, wildlife reserves and a rugged coastline which is best seen by driving the trans-Sumatra highway. There are some wonderful remote bays along the shore. A popular nature reserve in central/eastern Lampung Province is Way Kambas, a massive area known for its swamps and collection of elephants and tapirs. There is also an established elephant training center here.

One of Lampung Province’s most eagerly visited sights is Krakatau Island, 80kms south of Bandarlampung. It famously blew its top in 1883 and is today popular for boat tours and trekking in Krakatau National Park.

Known for their tapi fabrics, the quirky Lampung tribes of the province have their ancestral home here. Culture buffs can visit their communities to pick up samples of the unique fabric.

Bandarlampung Branti Airport is the gateway to Lampung Province, which is best visited between April and October, with direct flights from Jakarta in 40 minutes. Ferries run from Merak in northwest Java to Bandarlampung in about two hours. Combination bus/ferry tickets from Jakarta are possible, with a seven-hour trip all up. Buses come in from Palembang and Bengkulu from the neighboring provinces.

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