This lesser-known resort on the eastern coastline of Sumatra is a great place to be based while visiting Bandar Lampung. Aside from weekend crowds, Kalianda is quiet and inviting, with an exciting range of outdoor activities.

Kalianda has a brooding history. The Dutch staked a climb here in the early 1800s, leading to a constant string of conflict. But the real catastrophe struck in 1883 when Mt Krakatau exploded, triggering tsunamis that effectively leveled Kalianda. The city didn’t take long to rebuild, and the Dutch and Japanese staged battles here during WWII.

Today that history of conflict has melted away, leaving a sleepy town with laid-back beach hotels and bungalows. Everything is low-key, and there are no fancy establishments on the map.

The beach is sandy in certain places and rocky in others. Sunbathers can get a view of islands sprinkling the outlying waters as well as inland forests. Trekking is possible here and on the outlying islands, leading hikers through groves of clove trees, past waterfalls and to high-rising lookout points.

Getting There & Away

Getting to Kalianda from Jakarta (the country’s international transport hub) involves a mixture of land and sea travel. Begin by taking a bus or hire car to Merak port (1 hour, 30 minutes)and then boarding a ferry for Bakauheni (2 to 3 hours). From here it only takes 30 minutes to reach Kalianda by taxi.

Things to Do

Kalianda Attractions


The number-one attraction in kalianda is its beaches, which can get crowded with weekenders from java.


Kalianda town may be small, but it still boasts a chinatown with a pretty temple.

Raden Intan II’s grave

Raden intan was a local hero and his grave and former fort are secondary attractions of little interest to international tourists.

Side trips from Kalianda

Way Kambas

The wildlife park at way kambas is particularly well-known for harboring elephants.