One of the largest protected areas on Sumatra, Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park covers more than 900,000 acres and remains the most important watershed for southern Sumatra.

Spanning portions of coastline, mountains and dense forest, Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park is especially well known for its striking wildlife populations. The most celebrated animal in the park is the Sumatran rhino, a critically endangered animal found only on this island and on Borneo.

A quarter of Sumatra’s elephants live in the park as well. Historically, elephants of Sumatra have competed with farmers over crops and lands, and elephants are occasionally killed for raiding fields. This makes the park an important conservation area, providing a sanctuary for these beautiful animals.

Another high profile animal is the Sumatran tiger. With only 400 of these big cats left worldwide, the 50 or so in the park are critically important. The tigers feed on wild boar and barking deer, animals that are also found in the park.

Getting There & Away

Tourist infrastructure is minimal, so getting in and out of the park can be difficult. Permits are available in Bandar Lampung, where tourists can also arrange transportation to smaller towns like Kota Agung. From here it is possible to arrange guides for treks in the park. To reach the park from Jakarta, transfer to Merak (1 hour, 30 minutes), take a ferry to Bakauheni (2 hours) and continue to Bandar Lampung (2 hours).