Situated at the foot of Mount Muria in central Java, Kudus is a modern town known for its factories and cigarette and vehicle manufacture. The name Kudus comes from the Arabic words Al Kuds, which means holy.

On first glance it would seem that this Islamic town has little to over tourists, and indeed most people pass straight through Kudus on their way to the islands of Karimunjawa or the beauty of Jepara. Those who do visit do so mainly for business, and leave soon after arriving.

However, the fact that most tourists don’t visit Kudus many appeal to some travelers, and there are certainly plenty of places for those who decide to spend the night. The Islamic, Muslim and Hindu influences in the town make this a good place to stop for a meal when on the road.

Getting There & Away

The easiest way to get to Kudus is by flying into the international airport in Jakarta and then taking a bus to Kudus (40 minutes). Alternatively, visitors can fly from the airport at Semarang (30 minutes). There are also regular buses from other major towns and cities in central Java such as Demak, Jepara and Semarang (30 minutes)

Things to Do

Kudus Attractions

Mount Muria

Trek to this mountain on the edge of town and climb the slopes for spectacular views of the area.

Menara Kudus

This old red brick clock tower has loud speakers at the top which are used to transmit the islamic call to prayer in the early morning and evening.