This large temple complex is a popular destination for those who are interested in ancient temples as it features a picturesque backdrop and plenty to explore.

Also known as Lorojonggrang Temple, the Prambanan Temple complex is located on the edge of the village of Bokoharjo, just to the east of Yogyakarta. Those who fly from Bali to Yogyakarta will be able to see the temples of Prambanan from the air, which is a striking sight and this is one of Indonesia’s most interesting monuments.

The central part of the complex consists of three main temples representing the Hindu Trinity with Vishnu facing to the North, Shiva in the center and Brahma to the South. Each temple is decorated with symbolism to represent the nature of the resident god. Vishnu is the creator, Siva the destroyer, while Brahma is the guardian god.

This is undoubtedly the most important Hindu site in Indonesia as it features an impressive 232 Hindu temples, which were originally built at Prambanan in the 10th century. Although many of these temples have now crumbled, a good number are still well preserved.

Although it is easy to explore Prambanan on foot, an interesting way to get around and save being drained by the heat of the sun is by taking the toy train, which regularly runs right the way around the park. Visitors can also hire a guide with a jeepney to take them around and explain a little of the area’s unique history.

Getting There & Away

Access is from Yogyakarta as the city’s large international airport is located just 12kms from Prambanan, with regular buses traveling to the area in just 30 minutes. Local buses also run from nearby Solo in about 90 minutes. Yogyakarta Airport has regular connections with Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.