Located just 27kms from the city of Yogyakarta, many tourists arrive here to catch a bus straight out. Not many people stay here for any length of time, which means it is quiet, undeveloped and perfect for adventurers.

Although it is easy to visit Parangtritis on a daytrip from Yogyakarta, there are also plenty of places to stay in the town, many with pretty ocean views from their balconies. This is a good option for those who want to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and relax somewhere beautiful.

Parangtritus is surrounded by intense natural beauty such as sand dunes, rocky hills and of course the enchanting ocean. This is a great area to explore, either on foot or by hiring a bicycle and cycling along the many narrow palm fringed lanes. Many people spend the day hiking or cycling before relaxing in the evening with a good meal and a beer or two.

Getting There & Away

There are regular buses to Parangtritis from the city of Yogyakarta (20 minutes). Yogyakarta is connected to much of Indonesia by a large airport and railway. Jakarta hosts Indonesia’s main international airport. There are also buses here from other towns and cities near Parangtritus.

Things to Do

Parangtritis Attractions

1- Parangtritus Beach

This beautiful sandy resort is a top choice for sun worshippers all over the globe.

Langsé Cave

Considered to be one of the holiest caves in indonesia, gua langsé (langsé cave) is a great place for rock climbing and swimming, with spectacular views for those who manage to climb the high rocky cliff face to the top.