This picturesque national marine park is located to the north of the city of Semarang and consists of a chain of 27 tropical islands, complete with sandy beaches and swaying palm trees.

Although you won’t find much wild nightlife and neon lights on the tiny islands, this is a great place for those with a Robinson Crusoe fascination as many of the islands are totally uninhabited. Wander through the jungle to discover a colorful range of exotic wildlife, or simply lounge around on the sand and swim in the cool, clear water before moving on the next island.

However, many of the islands are large enough to contain accommodation, which ranges from wooden beach huts to more luxurious resorts with private swimming pools. The sunset is a big attraction here, and people gather on the beach at the end of the day to watch the sun slowly sink behind the horizon and enjoy barbequed fresh fish.

Getting There & Away

The easiest way to get to Karimunjawa is by taking a chartered plane to Dewandaru Airport from Semarang in just 30 minutes. There is also a regular ferry that sails from Tanjung Emas port in Semarang (40 minutes) and Jepara port to Karimunjawa Island (50 minutes). The main international air gateway to Indonesia is Jakarta, which has air links to Semarang.

Things to Do

Karimunjawa Attractions

Kura-kura resort

This is a popular spot for scuba diving and snorkeling as the water is full of colorful coral and fish.