Covered with primeval rain forest, Gunung Batukau is the second highest mountain in Bali. At a height of 7,467 feet above sea level, it dominates the entire Tabanan area in the central part of the Indonesian island.

Mt Batukau is rather unpopular with climbers since its dense forest obstructs most of the vistas. The extinct volcano boasts the largest crater in Bali, which is open at the southern tip allowing the Mawa river to escape. The name ‘Batukau’ derives from the shape of the crater and means ‘coconut shell rock’ in Balinese.

Off the beaten track lies the village of Jatiluwih, which can be reached by driving up the southern slopes of Mt Batukau, passing tall trees, serene grottos and bubbling hot springs. Located at 2,790 feet above sea level, around 12.5 miles north of Tabanan, Jatiluwih presents an awe-inspiring panorama of endless rice terraces that follow the contours of the mountain lines until they meet the ocean.

Further up at 4,260 feet above sea level sits Pura Luhur Batukau, one of the most important but least visited temples in Bali. Founded in the 11th century, this ancient sanctuary is surrounded by a huge tropical forest and comprises a fizzy spring and a large lake featuring another shrine in its center.

Getting There & Away

Mt Batukau is about 40 miles northwest of Kuta. From Bali’s international airport, it roughly takes 2 hours to reach the mountain by car or minibus. The island’s international airport received flights from all major regional airports and select worldwide cities.