Prek Toal Biosphere is one of the three designated biospheres on Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia’s largest body of water. Of the three, Prek Toal is the best to visit, especially if you like birds.

The recent establishment of its bird sanctuary has added a wonderful dimension to this park, even if you aren’t an ornithologist. A huge variety of rare birds gather in a relatively small area, especially during the winter dry season (December to April), giving visitors good odds of seeing something special.

Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia’s largest body of water, offers a pleasant taste of lakeside life and relaxing boat tours.

Siem Reap makes the best base for exploring the Prek Toal Biosphere. Although you can stay in the rugged bungalows at the park ranger headquarters, the biosphere is best visited as an easy daytrip from Siem Reap.

Getting There & Away

Prek Toal is easiest reached by boat or road from Siem Reap, the closest city of note. Siem Reap can be reached by bus from most major towns within Cambodia, as well as few cities in Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. There is a small international airport in Siem Reap that handles daily flights from various Southeast Asian destinations.