Chong Kneas is the floating village along the edge of Cambodia’s massive Tonle Sap Lake. This is where boats from Battambang and Phnom Penh dock when they make the voyage across the lake toward Siem Reap and Angkor.

The village rests entirely on the waters of Tonle Sap Lake, making it unique. There’s very little to actually do in Chong Kneas, but it is an interesting site, and the boat makes a great way to reach Siem Reap if you’re planning a trip to Angkor.

Chong Kneas itself is about 30 minutes from Siem Reap, and fun boat rides are a popular excursion to the floating village. Along the way, rice paddies and stilted houses line the lakeside road, and in the distance Phnom Krom hill looms with its ancient temple crowning the top.

Getting There & Away

If you are already staying in Siem Reap, there are several tour companies that arrange boat trips to Chong Kneas. The packages are fully inclusive of transport and a snack, and the sunset cruise is certainly a good choice. To reach Siem Reap, there are daily flights from several regional cities in Thailand, Laos and Vietnam.

Things to Do

Chong Kneas Attractions

Tonle Sap Lake

This lake is absolutely huge, and a boat cruise to chong kneas allow visitors to get a special look at lakeside life.

Fish and crocodile farms

The main attraction in chong kneas for tourists is this farm that raises catfish and crocs.

Elementary School

Chong kneas’ elementary school naturally floats as well, and is pretty cool considering the kids get to study on a big boat.