Phnom Bok is an attractive place to visit in Angkor and it is a steep hill that stands at an impressive 235 meters tall that is home to a temple. The hill is fully exposed during the day and only very fit people should attempt the climb in the heat of the day.

The temple on the hill shares the same name and was constructed in the ninth century. The landscape here is stunning and the temple itself was made from sandstone and consists of three ruined towers.

It can be found to the northeast of the East Baray that is now dry after serving its purpose as a reservoir for many years. It was constructed during the reign of King Yasovarman and was made from sandstone.

Phnom Bok is one of a group of three famous temples situated on various hilltops that were built during King Yasovarman’s reign, with the other two being the well visited Phnom Krom and Phnom Bakheng. Many people include this temple on their itinerary as part of their temple hopping trip in order to claim that they visited all three hilltop temples.

The temple is slightly isolated due to its hilltop location but is often worth the climb to get away from the constant stream of tourists in the area. The temple is home to a collection of frangipani trees that sprout out of the top of the towers and when in full bloom the flowers are worth the visit in themselves.

In brief

What is it? A temple on top of a hill in the Angkor complex.

Opening hours: 05:00 to 18:30, daily.

Entrance fees**: free, various tour prices.


Where: part of the famous Angkor complex close to Siem Reap, Cambodia.

How to get there: take the road to Banteay Samre and head through the village of Pradak. Cross the eastern dike of the baray and cross the bridge before walking the final 45 minutes. Siem Reap airport has links to the capital, a 25 minute flight away.