Tapaktuan is a fairly remote and rugged town on the coast of southwest Aceh Province. Most people use Tapaktuan as a stop-off on the way south or north along the Aceh coastal route.

The coast in Tapaktuan is pretty rough and sees massive waves striking the shore. Swimming is thus a no go for the most part although experienced surfers will enjoy the action. Behind the beaches are a string of high mountains with excellent hiking and views. The sunsets here are particularly awesome.

The town of Tapaktuan is pretty nondescript and there’s not much to hold visitors for long, bar the views from the surrounding hills. Farther afield is Meulaboh, which is similar in disposition to Tapaktuan with its coastal Aceh locale.

Heading southeast 100kms is Danau Toba (Lake Toba), a massive volcanic lake that is 100kms long, 30kms wide and more than 500m deep. It has great boating, fishing and hiking potential.

Getting There & Away

Tapaktuan Airport is the main gateway to Tapaktuan unless you are driving along the trans-Sumatran highway. It receives somewhat limited flights from Medan (North Sumatra) and Banda Aceh in the north of Aceh Province, with connections from Jakarta. Minivans also run here from Medan (4 hours) and Banda Aceh (6 hours).

Things to Do

Tapaktuan Attractions

Tapaktuan beaches

The main tapaktuan beach is just north of town and comes with crashing waves and fresh indian ocean air.

Side trips from Tapaktuan

Lake Toba

Although a fair way from tapaktuan, danau toba is well worth seeing if traveling north or south by road. it’s a massive crater lake surrounded by mountains.


Lying to the south of tapaktuan, this little town is a popular surf spot and has access to the banyak islands.