Pulau Wetar is a sizeable, yet remote, island off the north coast of Timor-Leste in the Banda Sea of eastern Indonesia. Wetar Island has some stunning coastline and coral reefs and a dense, rugged interior.

Pulau Wetar is only really attractive to ardent animal lovers who must go out of their way to get here and then negotiate dense jungle valleys to see rare animals and birds. The terrain is generally extremely mountainous and has around 80 percent forest cover.

Wetar Island has a high conservation priority in the region, even more so as the endangered Wetar ground dove, one of the world’s most elusive birds, has recently been rediscovered. Apart from the birds, scuba diving and deep sea fishing can be organized in the south coast towns of Masapun and Ilwaki, Wesiri in the north, and Arwala in the east.

Getting There & Away

Visitors can reach Pulau Wetar by first flying to Ambon from Jakarta (3 hours) and then taking the short hop over to Wetar (1 hour, 45 minutes). Flights also land in Ambon from Kupang and Surabaya. Flights from Ambon Pulau Wetar are fairly limited and need to be booked ahead. Passenger ships and ferries also run to Pulau Wetar from Ambon.