The Leti Islands are an Indonesian archipelago made up from a group of islands that are remote and unspoiled and have barely been visited by interested tourists.

Located in the Banda Sea, close to Timor, the islands are volcanic and are part of the Maluku Islands. Moa, Leti and Lakor are the three main islands and the busiest town in terms of population and industry is Pati on Moa Island.

The islands cultivate crops of rice and coconut palms as well as tobacco, fish and animals. The island of Leti is home to a triangular mountain ridge that is made up from the Rapat Mountains and the Koli Besar Mountain.

There are no natural harbors on the islands and the archipelago can be totally cut off during the feisty monsoon season. There are dense deciduous forests to explore on the islands and accommodation is often limited to staying with the welcoming local people.

Swimming is good off the main islands and snorkeling is one of the best activities to enjoy in the archipelago. The food is mainly local with only a handful of restaurants on all of the islands. Hiking and trekking is only for the adventurous as the terrain is tough going.

Getting There & Away

The nearest international airport is in the capital, Jakarta, and there are regular flights from here to Ambon Island in the Maluku Island group. Flights from Jakarta to Ambon take 3 hours and from Ambon there are boats available to the Leti Islands.