The caves at Kampot are well visited mainly as a result of their location – they are within comfortable walking distance from the capital of Kampot Province, which is called Kampot. Otherwise, most guidebooks and tour guides will correctly note that the Kampot Caves and their limestone formations are not particularly distinctive from all the similar caves and formations throughout Kampot province.

Nevertheless, the Kampot Caves make for a handy caving trip for an hour or two for visitors who find their way to Kampot. Indeed, the handy location of the Kampot Caves means that a lot of people who would otherwise not go on a cave adventure while in Cambodia have an opportunity to do so without making any time consuming effort.

Cave guides loiter at the entrance to the Kampot Caves and they will be more than happy to rent dilapidated and ramshackle equipment to visitors. It can be difficult to get past the guides without paying, even if visitors are carrying their own torches and safety hats. However, in the effort to save money, visitors should not forgo necessary safety equipment before entering.

Deep inside the Kampot Caves are Buddhist shrines just as there are in most caves in the area. The shrines range from tiny personal ones to larger and more ornate offerings that are lit with candles.

In brief

What is it? Limestone caves near the southern town of Kampot, Cambodia.

Opening hours: no fixed opening hours.

Entrance fees: no entrance fee, but guides will request a tip.


Where: Kampot, in Kampot Province, in the south of Cambodia.

How to get there: buses from Sihanoukville to Phnom Penh stop in Kampot Province – except for express trips. From either large city the journey to Kampot takes around 3 hours and songthaew and motorcycle taxis to the caves will charge around US$10.