Tek Chhouu Falls may not be as high or as dramatic as the swirling mists and two-tiered spectacle of the nearby Popokvil Falls, but because they are located closer to sea level and therefore do not require an arduous four-wheel drive mountain climb to reach, they attract more visitors than their more amazing counterpart.

Tek Chhouu Falls are really more of a rapids system, tumbling over large rocks that give the illusion of a waterfall. There are no real drops as part of Tek Chhouu Falls, but rather the river here is marked by such large rocks and ledges that what appear to be waterfall cascades appear.

Tek Chhouu Falls are in the province of Kampot, in southern Cambodia, and as such are on the main tourist path that lies between Phnom Penh and the beach town of Sihanoukville, on Cambodia’s southern coast, near the border with Thailand.

The attractions in this part of the country include the abandoned French colonial settlement called Bokor Hill Town, and the nearby Popokvil Falls. As well, there are a number of excellent orphanages and associate music schools in the region and these are well worth a visit, and in much need of tourist monies.

In brief

What is it? A complex of waterfalls and rapids in southern Cambodia.

Opening hours: 24 hours, daily.

Entrance fees: no charge.

Where: Kampot Province, which is in southern Cambodia.

How to get there: the journey from Phnom Penh is 140kms and buses between the capital and Sihanoukville often stop near the falls. Alternatively, private jeep and motorcycle taxis run charter trips, for about US$25.