Located in Ang Thong Province, Ban Bang Phae is one of the most famous and culturally important towns in the area and is renowned for being home to the craft of drum making.

It is scenically located on the banks of the Chao Phraya River and throughout the non-harvesting season, the entire town is involved in making drums and has been since 1927. The skills of the drum makers have been passed down from generation to generation and involve highly intricate and difficult work.

People come from all over Thailand to watch these craftsmen at work and the final products can be seen at events throughout the country. It is a very traditional town, with most people living in houses on stilts which have housed their parents and grandparents for many decades. It offers visitors the chance to see the ‘real’ Thailand, not just the one found in glossy magazines.

The largest drum in the world is located here and is on display outside the headman’s house. While this drum is for display only, many replicas can be bought from shops along the main street. As well as touring the drum making factories and shops, simply walking around the city will provide the chance to experience sights not seen in many Thai tourist destinations.

Getting There & Away

Ban Bang Phae is just over 100kms outside of Bangkok and best reached by car or bus. There are regular buses from Bangkok (2 hours) and Ayutthaya (1 hour) on air-conditioned or local buses. If you are driving from Bangkok, follow Highway 1 to the junction for Highway 32. You need to follow this highway through many towns and villages before you will reach Ang Thong Province]].

Things to Do

Ban Bang Phae Attractions

The largest drum in the world

Located outside the town’s headman’s house and on display for anyone who wishes to take a photo of it. this drum, alongside all other drums on display, has been hand made.