Situated on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, this lakeside village is certainly a lot quieter than Cambodia’s vibrant capital. The main attraction here is an ancient temple named Ta Phrom.

Although not really worth the journey in itself, Tonle Bati makes an interesting daytrip from Phnom Penh if you have time to kill and want to explore the countryside a little. The area can get quite busy at weekends when Khmer people arrive to fish and relax.

There are plenty of food stalls here where you can get a bite to eat before heading back to the city or onward to the nearby temple or Phnom Chisor.

Getting There & Away

Tonle Bati is located less than 20 miles south of Phnom Penh and there are regular buses running from the city to a stop near the lake. The Cambodian capital has an international airport with flights to other regional capitals.

Things to Do

Tonle Bati Attractions

Ta Phrom

This large temple was commissioned by jayavarman vii in the 12th century and features some interesting carvings.

Yeah Pean Temple

This small temple is located next to ta phrom and was built as a son’s tribute to his mother.

Tonle Bati Lake

Take a break from exploring and join the locals by fishing in the lake.