Tongans are a very friendly and welcoming people. Accommodation is easy to find in the many resorts around the islands owned by locals and foreigners who have settled in the country. Most of the food, accommodation, tours, and transportation are affordable.

Be prepared for a simple and laidback way of living, as Tonga has not yet been spoiled by commercialism and too much tourism.

It is mainly subtropical with a cooler climate from May to December. Mostly it’s hot and tropical, but with sea breezes.

Feasting: a trip to Tonga is not complete without experiencing a big Tongan feast. Tongans eat big so take what you want on the first round because there may not be any left for seconds.

Snorkeling: go snorkeling along the small islands near the main island of Tongtapu. The water there is so clear you’ll be able to see some colorful fish.

Sailing: around the inner islands and make friends with the yachties. Join a sailing safari for a guided tour of the islands.

Whale watching: go whale watching in the islands of Vava’u in the company of a tour guide and a tour group.

Drinking: try the local Kava, which is something similar to liquid novocaine – need we say more! Local brews and imported beers are also available.

Direct flights to Tonga are available in Auckland and Los Angeles with Air New Zealand. There are also many private yachts taking world cruise routes that stop over the country. A boat or a yacht is used to go from one island to another. Within the islands, most of the areas are walkable. You can take a taxi or a hired car to get around.

There’s little to be worried about in Tonga when it comes to general health and safety. You should bring insect repellents though because the mosquitos (namu) there are nasty. Also, watch out for centipedes (molokau), as they seriously sting.