Peru’s capital city and cultural center is situated at the foot of the Andes near one of the most gorgeous coastlines in South America. This huge metropolis offers visitors a captivating mixture of Spanish colonial architecture, brilliant museums, vibrant nightlife and spiritual ambience. Lima is also an excellent starting point for discovering various other famous travel destinations, contributing to the city’s reputation as a popular tourist spot.

Although Lima cannot really compete with the status and splendor of Buenos Aires or Rio de Janeiro, this lively city still has many things to present travelers. Apart from its location amid impressive scenery - flanked by the heroic Andes and the spectacular Pacific Ocean - Lima’s historic center boasts numerous fascinating landmarks, while various splendid museums display Inca and Peruvian history, not to mention a number of UNESCO World Heritage sites in the immediate vicinity.

Lima provides visitors with first-rate accommodation as well as basic guesthouses, and superb dining places can be found in the prosperous suburbs of Miraflores and Barranco together with pleasant cafés and lively night-time establishments. The city’s surrounding areas offer visitors innumerable options for interesting daytrips to locations such as the amazing Lake Titicaca, Machu Picchu and the Amazon rainforest.


Plaza de Armas: Lima’s main square was created by the city’s founder, Francisco Pizarro, in the 16th century.

Palacio de Torre: this beautiful landmark was constructed in the 18th century and is currently the head office of the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Lima Cathedral: dedicated to Our Lady of Assumption, this spectacular cathedral was practically completely ruined in an earthquake in 1746 yet reconstructed in 1758.

Church of Saint Rosa: built on the same spot where one of Peru’s famous saints, Isabel Flores de Olivia, was born in 1586, this church houses a renowned picture of the Christ child.

National Museum of Anthropology, Archaeology and History: displays Lima’s history in chronological order and includes remnants from the Inca period.

The Nazarenas Church and Convent: is placed on an area once occupied by successors of black slaves from Angola and contains an image of Lima’s patron saint, which wasn’t undamaged in the large 1655 earthquake.

Inca Trail: hiking the Inca Trail is a must for visitors in order to get an unforgettable impression of this legendary tribe.