Located in eastern Yunnan, Luoping is well known for its beautiful scenery, and this is a great place to visit during the spring, when the area is covered with a carpet of golden flowers.

Luoping is the perfect place for hiking and most of the area’s natural attractions such as enormous waterfalls and meadows can be reached in an hour or so on foot. There are also minivans available to take tourist to natural beauty spots and nearby villages.

The only downside of Luoping is that there isn’t a lot of nightlife. Once the sun sets - which is does to spectacular effect - most people tend to retreat to their homes. However, for those who enjoy waking up early to watch the sun rise over the mountains this shouldn’t pose too much of a problem.

Getting There & Away

To get to Luoping, it is best to fly into the international airport at Kunming and then take a bus or a train (5 hours). There are also buses to Luoping from places such as Qujing, Luling, Shizong and Kaiyuan.

Things to Do

Luoping Attractions

Jiulong Waterfall

This spectacular collection of 10 waterfalls is situated in a picturesque valley and is said to resemble nine dragons.


Purchase tickets in the office inside lingyi temple to view this meadow of jinjifeng or golden chick pea flowers.

Duoyi River

Take a bamboo raft on the river to discover bamboo groves and picturesque villages.

Lubuge Gorge

Featuring the large power dam, this is a great spot for hiking.