Biliran Island is part of the central Visayas islands, lying between the larger Samar and Leyte islands. It’s a volcanic island with plenty of laid back resorts and beaches and has some pretty good diving.

Although a beautiful island destination, Biliran Island is a bit of a poor man’s Bohol, which lies farther south and is also within the Visayas. It is definitely less touristy than Bohol Island, though, and does offer lots to do besides the sunbathing and diving.

The main resort towns in Biliran Island are Almeria, Cabucgayan, Caibiran, and Naval, the capital. Almeria has some of the best snorkeling on Biliran Island and is also used as a launch point for nearby Dalutan Island, where there is even better snorkeling.

The 5th class town of Cabucgayan in the south of Biliran Island is a fine getaway for a few days. It has the pretty Almadro Beach, a somewhat secluded stretch of sand near town which is backed by trees. You can sunbathe on grass just west of the beach from a natural plateau that overlooks both beach and sea.

Along with Caibiran’s beaches are some fine walks inland. Just a few kilometers from town are the high Tinago Falls. They plummet 30m from a high stone ridge into a fresh plunge pool which is great for a swim.

The capital of Biliran Island is Naval, a bit of a nondescript town on the west coast of the island. Although it has plenty of accommodation, cafés and nearby beaches, it is a bit of a bore and only really worth a visit when passing through for Almeria.

Getting There & Away

Biliran Island doesn’t have its own airport but it is just a couple of hours from the nearest one in Tacloban City to the southeast. Tacloban Airport is an hour’s flight from Manila, while the nearest major airport in Cebu, 150kms southwest of Biliran, is 20 minutes away and receives direct flights from cities throughout the Asian region. Buses run to Naval in Biliran in around 2 hours from Tacloban City.

Onward Travel