Pulau Buton (Buton Island), also known as Butung, is a large and fairly remote island off the south coast of Southeast Sulawesi Province. It is a non-touristy place appealing mostly to those who prefer a slower pace.

The kingdom of Buton existed early on - from the 14th to 16th centuries - after which it remained a Sultanate right up until Indonesia’s independence. There is plenty of history on Pulau Buton and it has a fascinating culture that is best seen in the multitudes of ceremonies and events on the island such as Pakande-kandea.

The capital of Buton is Bau Bau in the southwest. This is an interesting coastal town which is presided over by a huge fort that has magnificent views over the town and coast. There are plenty of hotels and guesthouses in Bau Bau and it makes a good base from which to explore the rest of Pulau Buton.

Pulau Buton is not as impressive as other parts of Indonesia, but is rugged nonetheless, and it has some pretty decent trekking. In addition, there are plenty of beaches to check out.

Getting There & Away

Pulau Buton is best accessed by flying and Bau Bau’s Hasanuddin International Airport is the gateway. Flight time from Makassar, the nearest major airport in South Sulawesi, is less than an hour. Ferries from Makassar reach Bau Bau on Pulau Buton in 12 hours.

Onward Travel