The island archipelago of Taka Bone Rate, off the south coast of South Sulwesi in Indonesia, is truly spectacular, with an untouched wildlife reserve, coral atoll and white sand beaches.

The location of Taka Bone Rate makes getting here quite difficult. You will need to take several buses and ferries to reach the area, with the total journey taking in excess of 14 hours. The nearest town is Benteng, which is a five-hour boat ride from Taka Bone Rate.

The main attraction in Taka Bone Rate is the national park, which is a massive wildlife sanctuary with an abundance of native animals, flowers and fauna. Diving and snorkeling are both popular, with several companies offering courses as well as daytrips.

Taka Bone Rate National Park is a sprawling wildlife sanctuary rich with marine life and native fauna. The park offers fantastic hiking, diving and snorkeling opportunities.

Getting There & Away

The long journey to Taka Bone Rate begins from Makassar the capital city of South Sulawesi. You can arrive at Makassar Airport from either Jakarta or Bali, where international connections are available. There are buses leaving daily from Makassar to the south coast town of Bulukumba (5 hours). From Bulukumba you can then take a boat to Selayar followed by another bus to Benteng. Another boat trip from Benteng to Taka Bone Rate (5 hours) is the last leg of the trip.