Located in the northeast of Thailand and bordering with Cambodia, Sa Kaew (or Sa Kaeo) is a medium sized province of national trading importance which has only recently gained provincial status (1993). The north of the province is mountainous and home to the Dong Phaya Yen mountain range, while the southern reaches consist mainly of foothill plains.

While this is one of Thailand’s lesser trodden provinces, it does have some tourist appeal. Two national parks located in the northeastern Cardamon Mountains (Pang Sida National Park and Ta Phraya National Park) have been elevated in regional status owing to their unique rainforest and bird species that can be found within them.

Sa Kaeo’s tourist infrastructure is relatively basic and undeveloped. While Sa Kaeo town, the provincial capital, offers some hotel accommodation, the rest of the province mainly offers only national park camping and dormitory-style accommodation. Getting around within the province is achieved through local bus and train service, and for short journeys within towns local songtaew (shared taxis) can be flagged down.

Onward Travel