Kolaka is a sizeable coastal town in the western part of Southeast Sulawesi Province. It is not really worth visiting unless you happen to be entering the province by sea from the west.

Kolaka has over 250,000 people (called Toono Mekongga) who originated from southern China and speak their own tongue. Tamborasi Beach is one of Kolaka’s main attractions for tourists. It’s not far from town and has pretty good tourist facilities and sands.

Other attractions in Kolaka worth seeking out are the world’s shortest river (at around 150m in length), nearby Malaha Island, the Mangolo traditional village, and several national reserves.

These reserves include the Mangolo Recreational Park, Mata Osu Hunting Park, and the Lamedai Nature Reserve. The latter lies to the south in Watubangga and is accessible by the Kolaka-Toari route. It features wildlife safaris that take in hornbill, monkeys, and deer.

Getting There & Away

Southeast Sulawesi is one of the most remote provinces in Sulawesi as there are no real highways linking it with Central and South Sulawesi. The main way in is by flying from Jakarta’s international airport to Kendari, 120kms to the east, and then taking a bus or driving across. Kendari Airport receives flights from Makassar’s Hasanuddin International Airport. You can also get here from South Sulawesi by ferry.

Things to Do

Kolaka Attractions

Tamborasi Beach

A fine white beach with good sands for bathing on and nice waters for swimming in. it’s a few kilometers from the center of kolaka.

Side trips from Kolaka

Lamedai Nature Reserve

Lying about 50 or 60kms to the south, this reserve is good for wildlife safaris.


Dinggu dancing

The locals celebrate rice harvests at various times of the year by dressing up and dancing the dinggu.