Nestled in the heart of Isan, the city of Khon Kaen is rich in culture and the center of the northeastern silk industry. This pretty area is a good place to explore Thailand’s natural beauty.

Khon Kaen is a province with stunning natural beauty and it features a couple of great national parks. Phu Wiang National Park was recently made famous when dinosaur remains were unearthed here, while the Nam Nao National Park contains the region’s highest mountain peak, Phu Pha Jit, which measures a colossal 1,271 meters.

Near the center of the city, the beautiful 100-hectare lake known as Beung Kaen Nakhon (Kaen Nakhon Lake) is a great spot for a picnic, while the nearby temples of Wat That and Wat Nong Wang Muang are worth taking the time to explore fully.

Getting There & Away

Khon Kaen has its own domestic airport and there are a few flights from Bangkok each day (55 minutes). There is also a large bus station, with buses arriving from many parts of Thailand including from Bangkok (6 hours, 30 minutes) as well as a train station which received services from the capital (8 hours).

Things to Do

Khon Kaen Attractions

Wat Nong Wang

This magnificent nine-storey temple is situated beside bung kaen nakhon lake.

Sala Mai Thai silk village

Watch silk being woven in the traditional way in this village to the west of khon kaen.

Khon Kaen National Museum

A good place to learn more about this interesting area of thailand.