Sipaway Island Travel Guide

Perfect for those who like the quiet life, picturesque Sipaway Island is a true idyllic island with white sand beaches, swaying palm trees and crystal clear water.

This is a popular honeymoon spot, where people walk hand in hand along the shore as the sun sets and gaze into each other’s eyes. The island is just seven kilometers in size and is easy to walk around, while others prefer to hire a motorcycle and feel the wind in their hair.

Although many people come to Sipaway Island simply to relax, there is still plenty to do. Snorkeling and scuba diving are popular here and there are plenty of dive companies willing to hire out equipment or take people on boat trips around the island.

Although there are no beach bars or neon lights to break the tranquility, there are a number of good places to stay on Sipaway Island, ranging from budget beach shacks to luxurious island resorts.

Getting There & Away

Access is from Bacolod, where there is a large airport with regular flights to and from Manila (1 hour). There are also regular buses to Bacolod from towns and cities such as San Carlos (4 hours). Once at Bacolod, visitors must take a bus or jeepney to San Carlos (3 hours) and then a 30-minute ferry ride to the island.