Ah, Zanzibar. Just the name evokes images of Arabic spice traders, swarthy sea merchants and a land not yet mangled by the modern political turmoil of mainland Africa. For centuries, this archipelago off the coast of Tanzania has attracted the most intrepid explorers and traders from around the globe in search of the exotic. Luckily for you, not much has changed over the centuries.

Explore the multicultural Muslim-flavored Africa of your imagination on Zanzibar Island. The ethnic fusion of Stone Town can be felt in its unique architecture and timeless winding alleys. Some of Africa’s most impressive buildings are here, such as the House of Wonders and the Palace Museum. Pop over to Pemba Island where the heady scent of clove fills the air, reminiscent of the spice trade heydays. There’s a wealth of things to do and see in Zanzibar, and rest assured your hunger for the exotic will not be satiated.