Part of the scarcely visited ‘Stans’ that make up the post Soviet Causasus, Tajikistan is a landlocked country in Central Asia and home to some of the world’s most beautiful mountain ranges.


Pamir mountains: it is also called “Bam-i- Dunya” (the Roof of the World) by local Tajiks. Some of the world’s highest mountains are junctioned here: the Tian Shan along the Kyrgyzstan-Chinese border, Karakoram and Himalaya in the south, and the Hindu Kush in the west.

Penjikent: ruins of an ancient city can be found in Penjikent. It is 70 kilometers from Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

Hissor Fort: it is the enormous remains of an ancient 18th-century fortress. Climb the fort to get some great views.

Madrassa: an ethnographic museum is located in front of the fort that exhibits the Tajik Way of Life. Book an English-speaking guide with a travel agency beforehand because all the local guides speak only Tajik or Russian.

June to September is warm with occasional winds
The midsummer months of July to August are the hottest
Its winter season is mild.

Riding: ride a yak or camel to get a different kind of riding experience.

Mountain climbing: is the best way to appreciate the beauty of the Pamir and the Fann mountains.

Alpine climbing: visit during the winter season if you want to take on challenging climbs.

Swimming: in any of the hot springs or lakes in the Pamir Mountains.

Shopping: shop for traditional Tajik padded coats, hats, sashes, rugs, carpets, and vodka.

Visiting museums: explore the country’s museums and old buildings to appreciate its mix of Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, and Soviet art and architecture.

Direct flights to Tajikistan are available in Moscow’s Domodedevo airport, Dubai, Istanbul, Munich, Kabul, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Urumchi, Tehran, and Mashad. You can get around the country by taking a scheduled minivan, the local bus, a car hire, or a domestic flight to some areas. The roads are safe and in good condition.

Factional conflicts from nearby Afghanistan and local warlordism still occur in the country. Before and when traveling, keep yourself updated on the security situation or travel advisories.