The Cold War is long over, the Soviet Union is but a memory, and Moscow has since grown up fast, showing off its numerous sights and attractions to the world while creating a flurry of progress for some, but leaving many behind. The economic boom has certainly put Moscow in the top ranks of the world’s priciest cities (too expensive for many of its own citizens), so while you certainly won’t get bored, without a strict vodka/fur hat budget, you may go broke.

The Russian capital lives up to its title with numerous pieces of architecture to which you will readily apply the term ‘grandiose’. From the obvious splendour of St Basil’s Cathedral to the squat fortress that is the Kremlin, you’ll certainly feel the imposing scale of the place. Red Square is also home to Lenin’s tomb, where the father of modern Socialism has been pickled and preserved for all to see.

Aside from the priapic monuments erected to the glory of Soviet Communism, there are still many Classical buildings to be found, and the number of cultural events, concerts and plays will keep any Bohemian appetites sated indefinitely. You may be surprised at the sheer number of parks, gardens and green spaces in Moscow, the most recognized of which must be Gorky Park, commanding 300 acres of riverfront property.


St Basil’s Cathedral: first things first- find a vantage point to take a photograph of yourself wearing a fur hat with the kaleidoscopic domes in the background.

The Kremlin: home to everyone from Stalin to Putin, this notorious complex houses a museum where you can sneak a peak into the private lives of the tsars.

Lenin’s Tomb: Join the queues in Red Square to shuffle past the embalmed Vladimir Lenin, who, considering he has been lying there since 1924, doesn’t look too shabby.

Bolshoi Theater: the premier venue for ballet, opera and theater is the first place to look if you’re seeking an evening of entertainment and elegance.

Gorky Park: this eponymous park has in turn lent its name to both a film and a rock band, and continues to provide the populace with a relaxing natural setting in the middle of the metropolis.