Having recently grown in popularity since 2007 due to the installation of the second Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge, the province of Mukdahan in Thailand’s Isaan region has long been famous for its scenery and ancient temples. While not exactly abundant with places of interest and utilized mostly as a pit-stop for those traveling further into Laos or from Laos into Thailand, the province offers enough to see and do to warrant a day or two of exploration.

Mukdahan National Park has enjoyed an inconstant flow of visitors since its opening in 1984, occasionally quite busy and often very quiet. Its attractions include a number of odd, natural rock formations and several types of colorful flowers which bloom in early winter.

The region’s most sacred and revered Buddha image at Wat Si Mongkon Tai, sits enshrined within the town limits upon the bank of the Mekong river, not far from the immigration check-point. A compound of sorts has arisen around the temple, catering to new arrivals and selling local souvenirs as well as products from Laos. Nearby piers offer services for those wishing to cross or tour the Mekong by boat.

With no direct train routes to Mukdahan, travel is more frequently made by overnight bus from Bangkok with flight available to Ubon Ratchathani or Nakhon Phanom from which connecting buses can be arranged. By car from Bangkok presents a drive of 400 meandering miles.

Onward Travel