Marabahan is a large town on the Barito River in South Kalimantan. It’s the capital of the regency and is around four hours from Banharmasin, the provincial capital. Reasons for visiting Marabahan include the nearby trekking and virgin rainforest.

The trekking around Marabahan is more unique than near other large centers in Borneo as many villages are linked up by the trails which go through delightful primary rainforest. Overnighting in these traditional villages, trekkers get to live and breathe with the local Dayak tribes people and can explore the unique flora and fauna of South Kalimantan.

The area was originally established in the 15th century although there is not much in the way of historical buildings in the town suggesting this. Its best asset for tourists is its comfortable hotels and guesthouses along with many cafés and markets. The large Rumpiang suspension bridge is somewhat of a point of pride for Marabahan locals.

Getting There & Away

Marabahan is 4 hours from Banharmasin by bus along a decent enough highway. You can also get here by public ferry along the Barito River. There is a ferry terminal right in the city. Syamsuddin Noor Airport in Banharmasin is served by jets from Balikpapan and from Jakarta (2 hours).

Things to Do

Marabahan Attractions

Marabahan facilities

After perhaps visiting other, more remote parts of kalimantan, marabahan’s range of hotels, restaurants and spas is welcomed.

Side trips from Marabahan

Marabahan trekking

The main attraction is the walking through nearby virgin rainforest and meeting the curious dayak people.


Band Festival

A popular festival for locals in marabahan where several bands perform in december.