Kbal Chhay Waterfall is a set of cascading falls not far from the beach resort town of Sihanoukville in the southwestern Cambodian province of Sihanoukville. The falls are a popular swimming and picnicking spot with locals and tourists and are best seen during the July through October wet season.

There are several tiers to Kbal Chhay Waterfall and you can walk across the top tier as well as swim at the bottom. They get a bit busy during weekends so are best visited during the week. If you are here in the dry season, don’t expect any more than a cascading dribble.

The falls originate from a nearby mountain range and cascade over tiers of up to about 15 feet. You can hang at the picnic spot at the main part of Kbal Chhay Waterfall, where the food and drink stands are at, or head deeper in to take in more impressive cascades.

In addition, you can also spend time hiking around the area as the falls are set amid stunning country strewn with forests and waterways.

In brief

What is it? A popular natural beauty spot near the resort of Sihanoukville that is best seen in the wet season.

Opening hours: 24 hours, daily.
Entrance fees: no charge.

Address/website: www.trekearth.com/gallery/photo1010587.htm.

Where: on the Prek Tuk Sap River located a half hour journey from Sihanoukville.

How to get there: tour buses make the journey to the falls from Sihanoukville in about 30 minutes via Route 4 north. You can also cycle here or charter a tuk-tuk. Buses connect Sihanoukville with Phnom Penh in 4 hours.