Visitors to the eastern region of Bali will be treated to views of Mount Agung from many of the surrounding towns and cities as it towers over the area at an impressive 10,000 feet above sea level.

Mount Agung is an extremely sacred site and it is necessary to get permission before climbing. This can be obtained from one of the temples in Besakih. When climbing it is important to dress respectfully and carry a gift to leave on the mountain for the local gods.

In order to reach the summit in time for sunrise it is necessary to climb overnight, starting at around 22:00. This is also a good way to avoid having to climb in the heat of the day, and it is still possible to enjoy the scenery as you climb back down the mountain in the cool of the early morning.

The best way to climb Mount Agung is by hiring a guide from the nearby temple complex of Besakih. Although a reasonable level of fitness is required to reach the summit, a guide will be able to point out the easiest way up the mountain and explain some of the area’s history.

Getting There & Away

Access is from Besakih, which is a short walk from the base of the mountain. Those arriving in Bali by airplane will probably do so via Ngurah Rai International _Airport, which is located just outside the city of Denpasar, a 5 hour journey from Gunung Agung. _