Chachoengsao is a little-known town in central Thailand. It is the capital of Chachoengsao Province and scenically located on the banks of the Bang Pakong River.

It is rarely visited by tourists although those that do take the time are never disappointed. It is an excellent way to experience rural Thailand and because so few tourists visit, you will be welcomed into the community with open arms. If you do not want Thai food, Thai lodgings and Thai entertainment however, this may not be the place for you.

The town was established in 1549 and originally used as a center for army recruitment. It went through a period of instability due to Burmese and Khmer invasions. However, it is today an important agricultural hub.

Getting There & Away

Chachoengsao is 100kms from Bangkok and there are daily buses making the journey every morning from the capital’s central bus station. It is also possible to get a bus from Ayutthaya, which is slightly closer. There are VIP and local buses available although despite being far cheaper, local buses can be crowded and uncomfortable.

Things to Do

Chachoengsao Attractions

Bang Pakong River

Here you will find beautiful nature trails, local food stalls and picturesque riverside restaurants. there is also the chance to explore the local residential shacks which are situated along the river.