The small, but distinctively Germanic capital city of Namibia called Windhoek lies at the geographical heart of this African country. Visitors may wonder if they’ve taken a wrong flight to Bavaria with the dominance of German street names and architecture, but there’s plenty of African culture in this pleasant city nestled among the cool highland hills.

Although Namibia’s capital is often a starting point for safaris in one of the country’s wildlife parks, Windhoek itself is well worth a few days of exploration. The city center is an intriguing mixture of German colonial architecture and modern pastel-colored buildings. Many of Windhoek’s attractions are found in the city center, including its iconic Lutheran church, the dazzling white Alte Feste fort and the old Dutch railway station.

Windhoek’s high elevation brings plenty of rain and cooler temperatures, which result in wonderful gardens and greenery all throughout the city. You can easily walk everywhere in town, especially along the Post street pedestrian mall. As Namibia’s commercial and business center, there’s a bit of cultural activity to be had, too (although much of it is German-flavored). English is the native language in Windhoek, so visitors should have no problems in getting around.


Alte Feste: this picturesque whitewashed building was once Windhoek’s main fortress, but today it has been converted into a museum documenting the city’s colonial history.****

Christuskirche: Windhoek’s most recognizable landmark is its German Lutheran church, which combines neo-Gothic and Art Deco elements to create a surprisingly interesting building.

National Gallery: Namibia’s best attempt at a museum presents the history and natural heritage of this country in a small but effective range of exhibits.****

Post street: this walker’s paradise in the center of town has plenty of diversions, but don’t miss the Gibeon meteorite display featuring 33 of these cosmic bombshells which fell in the countryside.

Tintenpalast: the city’s parliament building is one of the most beautiful structures in Namibia, and is well worth a look just to appreciate its architectural merits.