Situated in Indonesia, most visitors to Sungai Kapuas travel there in order to explore the jungle and glimpse wildlife from the seat of a longboat on the river.

Sungai Kupuas is still largely unexplored by tourists, which gives the area a strong magical feel. There are a number of marked trails leading through the rainforest jungle, most winding their way past villages belonging to the Dayak people and offering a unique opportunity to learn about their interesting culture.

There is a magnificent range of wildlife in this region of Indonesia and visitors have the chance to glimpse freshwater dolphins jumping in the river, orang-utans swinging in the trees and beautiful black orchids.

For those who really want to take the time to learn about the people of Sungai Kapuas, it is possible to spend the night in one of the Dayak villages, where the people have been following their traditional way of life for hundreds of years.

For those who intend to spend several days exploring this region of Indonesia, it is a good idea to use the city of Pontianak as a base, where there are plenty of places to stay as well as a wide range of restaurants. This is also a good place to arrange tours and find people to share the experience with.

Getting There & Away

Access is from Pontianak, where there is an airport with regular flights to Jakarta (2 hours) and Kuching (1 hour). It is possible to arrange a guide and boat trip in Pontianak, which is about 30 minutes from Sungai Kapuas.

Onward Travel