Pulau Madura (Madura Island) is a sizeable island off of the north coast of East Java. It is just across from the provincial capital of Surabaya and is mainly known for its bull racing.

The island is slightly smaller than Bali in area although it stretches 160kms east to west. The main towns in Pulau Madura are Bangkalan (west), Sampang and Pamekasan (center), and Sumenep (east). The fastest way to get around is to use the southern road, while the northern one is quieter and twistier. Bangkalan is the main town and is essentially a suburb of Surabaya.

Pulau Madura has numerous undeveloped beaches and is ideal for those with a hire car and in search of solitude. However, the bull racing is the main activity on Pulau Madura. Young jockeys race over 100m pulled by a pair of bulls while sat on a simple wooden sled. August and September see many bull races happening at various spots around the island.

Getting There & Away

Ferries run from Ujung, just north of Surabaya, to Kamal in Bangkalan town in the southwest of Pulau Madura. Ferries take around 30 minutes and run all day. The Suramadu Bridge enables visitors to drive across to the island. Juanda Airport in Surabaya is a major Indonesian hub receiving flights from many places. It is about an hour’s flight from Jakarta.

Onward Travel