Moni is a lovely village tucked into the mountains of Indonesia’s Flores Island. Its greatest asset is the soaring peak of Kelimutu and its three colorful lakes, easily the most popular tourist attraction in the region.

Moni sits at higher elevation and enjoys pleasant weather even at the height of the summer season. There are few outright sites in the town, though tourists may enjoy walking through the open-air market that sprawls next-door to the church. Ikat weaving, the local handicraft of choice, can be purchased here.

Kelimutu is the volcano that towers over the region, and visitors based in Moni regular take the trip up (by minibus or even on foot). The three lakes change colors based on the local volcanic activity, but recently have settled into a brown lake, a black lake a bright turquoise lake.

Getting There & Away

Moni is connected to other cities on Flores by bus. A long-haul minibus ride (several hours) to Labuanbajo opens up the transportation scene. Labuanbajo is on western Flores and operates several flights a week to Denpasar, Bali (1 hour) where regional and international flights are available.

Things to Do

Moni Attractions

Kelimutu National Park

The main regional attraction is known for its three caldera lakes, each with their own unique color.