Gunung Penanggungan is one of the smaller stratovolcanoes of the group of volcanoes near Malang in East Java. It lies behind the much larger twin peaks of Arjuno-Welirang and famously features many sanctuaries and monuments.

Although smaller than Mount Arjuno, Gunung Penanggungan is still impressive and offers a good day’s worth of hiking to reach the summit. Treks start at Jolotundo, on the western slopes, and the main gateway of Jedong, at the northern end. Visitors can pick up guides at these two places. The smaller peaks of Bekel and Gajah Mungkur also offer good climbing and sites.

The main aspect of a climb up Gunung Penanggungan, apart from the climbing experience and views is the 81 archaeological sites and a good day on the mountain will reveal many of them. Some historians have compared these sites to those of the temples on Mount Agung in Bali.

Getting There & Away

Malang is the gateway to Gunung Penanggungan, located to the south of the provincial capital Surabaya, which has the nearest main airport. Abdulrahman Saleh Military Airport in Malang also receives flights from Jakarta (90 minutes) and is thus more convenient. Trip time from Surabaya to Malang by bus is 2 hours, 30 minutes.