Gunung Arjuna-Lalijiwo Reserve is a protected area around Arjuno Mountain, which is close to Malang in East Java. It is a stratovolcano and is well known for its decent climbing, waterfalls and temples.

Gunung Arjuna is twinned with Mount Welirang and they are best climbed together with a night’s stay on the mountain - there is a campsite between the two peaks. Climbs start in either Tretes or Sumberbrantas; the latter of which is more pleasant. Views from the top of Gunung Arjuna are breathtaking as you can see other volcanoes in the distance as well as the town of Malang.

Apart from the mountain itself, Gunung Arjuna-Lalijiwo Reserve contains the beautiful Kakek Bodo Waterfall. It is very pretty and lies on the route to the peak of Mount Arjuna. The reserve features many types of forests, including dipterokarp, montane, and ericaceous forests along with a huge amount of wildlife including monkeys.

Getting There & Away

Malang is 90kms south of Surabaya, which houses the main airport in East Java. Malang has a smaller domestic airport - Abdulrahman Saleh Military Airport - which is about 90 minutes flight time from Jakarta and also receives flights from Kuala Lumpur and Singapore.