Sitting pretty on Sweden’s spectacular west coast, Gothenburg or the ‘natural gateway to the West’ is a charming and exciting Scandinavian city boasting an inordinately large number of museums, a picturesque harbor and a perpetually lively nightlife. Splendid canals and parks wind their way around the city’s grand squares, shops, restaurants and bars – providing a lovely atmosphere in which to enjoy its delights.

Stunning museums, a picturesque harbor and great shopping and nightlife are the order of the day in Gothenburg, Sweden’s second largest city. See one of northern Europe’s finest collections of modern art in the Konstmuseum or explore the fascinating history of this vibrant city in the Museum of Gothenburg.

Stroll through the multitude of shops, bars and restaurants on the city’s main drag, Avenyn, or head to the serene tranquility of the city’s prettiest park, Slottskogen. The nightlife in Gothenburg is pricey but dynamic in the many trendy bars; but remember, if someone elbows you roughly out of the way on a foray to the bar they’re not being rude, this is just how things work over here.


Konstmuseum: peruse one of Sweden’s finest collections of modern art including stunning work by Picasso and van Gogh.****

Museum of Gothenburg: focusing on the archaeological, cultural, technical and medical history of Gothenburg, this intriguing museum also hosts a superb Viking exhibition.****

Avenyn: Gothenburg’s large parade street, which goes all the way from Kungportsplatsen to Götaplatsen, is crammed with cafés, restaurants, pubs, nightclubs and shops.** **

Kronhusbodarna: originally built in the 1650s, the oldest non-religious building in the city is an architectural masterpiece. ** **

Gotaplatsen: this superb square features, among other things, a large statue of Poseidon. Legend has it that if you’re unmarried and take photo of the statue, you’ll remain single. ****

Liseberg: this enormous amusement park is home to a bewildering array of rides ranging from the tame to the terrifying.****

Slottskogen: pack a picnic lunch and stroll through this delightful park until you find somewhere suitably picturesque to enjoy it.** **