Located in Oxfordshire, England, the ‘city of dreaming spires’ is perhaps most famous for its university, which is in fact a series of affiliated but independently operated colleges of fine repute. Oxford is an historic city and one also with a lively atmosphere on account of its large student population, making it the ideal holiday or short trip destination for visitors looking for a balance of cultural and social attractions.

The famous university colleges include buildings that are over 500 years old and while visitors are permitted access to certain campus areas, others are considered out of bounds or at least restrict the times that they can be visited so as not to disrupt the serious business of academia. Christ Church College with its striking Gothic design is among the most famous of the university colleges, having been used throughout the popular Harry Potter movie series.

Elsewhere, culture, history and heritage can be found at the Ashmolean Museum, the Museum of Modern Art, the Bodleian Library, the Museum of Oxford and the Oxford Story. When the sightseeing trail has been exhausted, visitors can seek out a little peace and tranquility down at the Thames River or further out into the Cotswolds areas. In the evening the city’s lively bar scene caters to its student population as well as to vacationers, with pubs and bars offering warm and friendly environments.

Oxford attractions

Christ Church Cathedral: the cathedral of the diocese of Oxford dates back to the 16th century and is constructed in a typical Gothic style. Entry is permitted to the interior provided services aren’t in progress.

Ashmolean Museum: boasting the title of Britain’s first official museum, this facility features a collection which includes Anglo-Saxon antiquities and artifacts from Rome, Egypt and the Middle East.

The Bodleian Library: not a single library but in fact many that are spread across the city, with the core facility located around Radcliffe Square.

Oxford Botanic Gardens: Britain’s oldest gardens of this nature feature herbs and medicinal plants as well as greenhouses in which tropical and desert plant specimens are nurtured.