Berastagi is one of the rare towns on Sumatra that has all of the rustic charm of the island, but without the touts and overzealous guides. The key is an economy that depends on agricultural rather than tourism.

Beyond the town center are the Karo Highlands, an expanse of green fields poised at well over 4,000 feet in elevation. While Berastagi lacks touts, tourists will still be able to find guides who can lead treks into the highlands or to neighboring volcanoes. Another great aspect of town is the market atmosphere. Locals come from the countryside to buy and sell anything from produce to dated pop music.

But the main attractions in Berastagi are the volcanoes perched just outside of town. A trip to one or both of these volcanoes is invariably first on tourists’ to-do lists. Both can be visited on their own day hikes. The mountains are easily the most accessible volcanoes on Sumatra.

Getting There & Away

Medan is the local transportation hub, receiving virtually all of the tourists to and from Sumatra. To reach Berastagi, fly into Medan’s international airport (either from Jakarta or another hub in Southeast Asia) and then connect to Berastagi by bus or hire car (2 hours, 30 minutes).

Things to Do

Berastagi Attractions

Gunung Sibayak

This volcano sits to the north of town and smolders from time to time.

Gunung Sinabung

The quieter of berastagi’s volcanoes is found to the west of the town center.