The city of Batu is located in East Java, Indonesia, and is home to 170,000 people of mainly Javanese and Madurese ethnic composition. It offers a few attractions in its vicinity, including a hill resort that is occasionally named Java’s ‘Little Switzerland‘ thanks to its almost alpine panorama.

Just 2.5kms from the city, Jatim Park is a 22-hectare infotainment park set 2,800 feet above sea level. It features 36 kinds of amenities that provide playing and learning objects for the entire family, such as a study center, a recreation area, miniature temples of Java, and a custom house. Another popular facility is Agro Park, showcasing crops of rare fruits as well as unique animal dioramas, while the more active visitors can enter a bowling alley or the glitzy scooter disco.

Further places of interest in the neighborhood of Batu include the beautiful 200-foot high Coban Rondo waterfall near Mt Panderman Resort, which provides a peaceful ambiance and some striking views. Songgoriti is renowned for its therapeutic thermal spring, and Selecta is well-liked for its refreshing swimming pool, lively fruit market and colorful flower booths along the main street.

Getting There & Away

Batu lies 12.5 miles northwest of Malang which is around 56 miles south of Surabaya. Frequent bus services connect the two cities, the journey taking 2 to 3 hours. Overnight train services link Jakarta and Malang, with several daily train services available; however, the only ekonomi class is often packed and uncomfortable. You can also fly directly from Jakarta to Malang, the flight time being roughly 2 hours.

Things to Do

Batu Attractions

Batu hill resort

Also dubbed java’s ‘little switzerland’.

Side trips from Batu

Jatim Park

Infotainment park for the entire family.

Coban Ronda

A lovely 200-foot high waterfall.