Martinique, a French Overseas Department in the Caribbean, is an exceptionally beautiful volcanic island. The island is known for its French colonial charm and excellent black and white beaches with lush green surroundings of palm, banana and pineapple plantations.

Tourist attractions in Martinique include the capital town of Fort-de-France, ruins of the volcanic town of Saint-Pierre, Les Salines Beach, La Savane Park, Les Ombrages Botanical Garden, Musée de la Pagerie (museum), Pointe du Bout, famous for its excellent beaches, and Le Carbet, where Christopher Columbus landed in 1502. Visitors can also enjoy a range of exciting activities like swimming, water-skiing, small-boat sailing, snorkeling and fishing.

Getting There & Away

Many airlines including the prestigious Air France and KLM fly to Martinique from London, Paris and other cities of Europe. There are also flights from Los Angeles and New York. Martinique is also a port of call for many international cruisers. Regular high-speed catamaran services are also available for St Lucia, Dominica and Guadeloupe from Martinique.

Weather & When to Go

Martinique enjoys a warm tropical climate, moderated by trade winds. Average temperature is about 17.3 degrees, dropping considerably in the upland areas. The rainy season lasts from June to October.