Frankfurt may only be Germany’s fifth-largest city, but this busy international metropolis is one of the world’s major transport hubs. With a central German location, Frankfurt is often used as a base for exploring the rest of the country, or simply a transit point. However, there’s plenty to see and do in this deeply historical riverside city, which is bursting with cultural attractions and loads of nightlife.

Industrial powerhouse, financial center of Germany and one of Europe’s main trade fair sites cover the business end of Frankfurt life. However, there are also dozens of huge public parks, a fair bit of the half-timbered Altstadt (old town) remaining and a number of medieval architectural wonders that survived WWII.

Most of the top sights, lodging, entertainment and eating is centered around the Stadmitte (town center), which can easily be covered on foot. Within this area is the smaller old town district, where most visitors spend their time, as it’s chock full of attractions. You may also find yourself in Westend, which is fast becoming the trendy part of town for its fusion restaurants and posh hotels. Crossing the Main river takes you to the famous apple-wine taverns of Sachsenhausen; but the rest of the city doesn’t offer much to the visitor.


Altstadt: before it was bombed into oblivion during WWII, Frankfurt’s old town was among the finest in Europe. Today it’s still the soul of this city with several historical sites, as well as newer restaurants, bars and shops galore. ****

Dom St Bartholomaus: dominating the Altstadt is this red-sandstone church, where Holy Roman Emperors were crowned for 300 years. Nowadays, the onsite Dom Museum exhibits this fascinating story.

Goethe House: the great German philosopher Goethe was a son of Frankfurt, and his original house has been transformed into a shrine to his accomplishments.

Liebighaus: second only to the Bargello in Florence, Italy, this sculpture museum contains the greatest collection of classic sculpture masterpieces from every era.

Museum Embankment: many of Frankfurt’s art and film museums are concentrated along this strip, including the informative German Historical Museum.

Romerberg: three surviving gothic houses around Romerberg square form the heart of the Altstadt, and can be toured to get a taste of the original style of Frankfurt.

Stadel Gallery: the city’s most important art gallery has one of the most comprehensive collections of European art in the world.